Dispel Blood Stasis Formulas

Shi Xiao San

ENGLISH NAME:Sudden Smile Powder
TCM ACTIONS:Removes Blood Stasis; Disperses Stagnation; Stops pain
INDICATION:Blood stagnation resulting in pain, especially in Liver channel
INGREDIENTS:Pu Huang (Chief/9-15g), Wu Ling Zhi (Deputy/9-15g), Huang Jiu [or vinegar] (Envoy)

Tao He Cheng Qi Tang

ENGLISH NAME:Peach Pit Combination to Order the Qi
TCM ACTIONS:Drains Heat and Dispels Blood Stasis; Calms the Shen
INDICATION:Blood stagnation turning to Heat in the Lower Jiao
INGREDIENTS:Tao Ren (Chief/12g), Da Huang (Chief/12g), Gui Zhi (Deputy/6g), Mang Xiao (Deputy/6g), Zhi Gan Cao (A;E/6g)

Tong Qiao Huo Xue Tang

ENGLISH NAME:Unblock the Orifices and Invigorate the Blood Combination
TCM ACTIONS:Activates the Blood and Opens Orifices
INDICATION:Blood stagnation in the head and face
INGREDIENTS:She Xiang (Chief/1.5g), Chuan Xiong (Chief/3-12g), Cong Bai (Deputy/3g), Tao Ren (Deputy/9g), Hong Hua (Deputy/9g), Chi Shao (Deputy/3g), Huang Jiu (D), Da Zao (Envoy/7pcs)

Wen Jing Tang

ENGLISH NAME:Warm the Menses (Collaterals) Combination
TCM ACTIONS:Warms the Menses; Dispels Cold; Nourishes the Blood; Dispels Blood stagnation
INDICATION:Blood stagnation with deficiency and Cold in Chong and Ren Channels
INGREDIENTS:Wu Zhu Yu (Chief/9g), Gui Zhi (Chief/6g), Dang Gui (Deputy/6g), Chuan Xiong (Deputy/6g), Bai Shao Yao (Deputy/6g), Mu Dan Pi (Deputy/6g), E Jiao (Assistant/9g), Mai Men Dong (Assistant/9g), Ren Shen (Assistant/9g), Ban Xia (Assistant/6g), Sheng Jiang (Assistant/6g), Gan Cao (Envoy/6g)

Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang

ENGLISH NAME:Drive out Stasis in the 'Mansion of Blood'' (Chest) Combination'
TCM ACTIONS:Activates Qi and Blood in 'Blood House'' (chest); Dispels Blood Stagnation; Relieves Pain
INDICATION:Blood stagnation in the chest and obstructed blood circulation
INGREDIENTS:Tao Ren (Chief/12g), Hong Hua (9g), Dang Gui (9g) , Sheng Di Huang (9g) , Chuan Xiong (5g), Chi Shao (or Bai Shao) (6g), Chai Hu (3g), Zhi Ke (6g), Gan Cao (3g), +, Chuan Niu Xi (Assistant; Envoy/9g), Jie Geng (Assistant;Envoy/5g)