TRANSLATION: | Contains Tears; Tears Contatiner |
TYPE: | Meeting point of the Stomach meridian with the Ren vessel and the Yang Qiao vessel |
LOCATION: | With eye looking straight forward, the point is directly below pupil between eyeballs and infraorbital ridge |
NEEDLE INSERTION: | Ask patient to close eyes & look up. Use finger to push the eyeball up & insert the needle first slightly inferior, then 90° between the eyeball & the inferior wall of the orbit. |
NEEDLE DEPTH: | 0.5-1.0 cun |
Stomach Meridian 胃经
TRANSLATION: | Four Whites; Four Directions Brightness |
TYPE: | |
LOCATION: | With eye looking straight forward, the point is 1 cun directly below pupil, in the depression at the infraorbital foramen |
NEEDLE INSERTION: | a. 90° insertion, b. 5° insertion, c. 45° supero-laterally, along the infraorbital foramen |
NEEDLE DEPTH: | a. 0.2-0.4 cun, b. Join with SI 18, Yingxiang LI 20 etc., c. 0.3-0.5 cun |
TRANSLATION: | Big Bone; Large Bone Hole |
TYPE: | Meeting point of the Stomach meridian with the Yang Qiao vessel |
LOCATION: | With eye looking straight forward, the point is directly below pupil, evel with the blower border of the ali asi, on the lateral side of the naso-labial groove |
NEEDLE INSERTION: | a. 90° insertion, b. 5° insertion |
NEEDLE DEPTH: | a. 0.3-0.4 cun, b. Join with ST 4, SI 18, etc. |
TRANSLATION: | Earth Granary |
TYPE: | Meeting point of the Stomach meridian with the Large Intestine meridian, Yang Qiao vessel, and the Ren vessel |
LOCATION: | .4 cun lateral to corner of mouth |
NEEDLE INSERTION: | 5° insertion |
NEEDLE DEPTH: | Join with ST 6, LI 20, CV 24, etc. |
TRANSLATION: | Big Welcome; Large Receptacle |
TYPE: | |
LOCATION: | Directly anterior to the angle of the jaw, in a depression at the anterior border of the masseter muscle when the mouth is closed tightly |
NEEDLE INSERTION: | a. 45° insertion, b. 5° insertion |
NEEDLE DEPTH: | a. 0.3-0.5 cun, b. Join with ST 4, ST 6 etc. |
TYPE: | Ghost Point |
LOCATION: | One fingerbreadth anterior and superior to angle of mandible where masseter muscle attaches at prominence of muscle when teeth are clenched |
NEEDLE INSERTION: | a. 90° insertion, b. 5° insertion, c. 5° insertion |
NEEDLE DEPTH: | a. 0.5 cun, b. Join with ST 4, ST 5, ST 7, etc., c. Towards the upper or lower jaw (toothache) |