Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
ENGLISH NAME: | Drive out Stasis in the 'Mansion of Blood'' (Chest) Combination' |
TCM ACTIONS: | Activates Qi and Blood in 'Blood House'' (chest); Dispels Blood Stagnation; Relieves Pain |
INDICATION: | Blood stagnation in the chest and obstructed blood circulation |
INGREDIENTS: | Tao Ren (Chief/12g), Hong Hua (9g), Dang Gui (9g) , Sheng Di Huang (9g) , Chuan Xiong (5g), Chi Shao (or Bai Shao) (6g), Chai Hu (3g), Zhi Ke (6g), Gan Cao (3g), +, Chuan Niu Xi (Assistant; Envoy/9g), Jie Geng (Assistant;Envoy/5g) |