Harmonize Liver and Spleen Formulas

Hei Xiao Yao San

ENGLISH NAME:Black Rambling Powder
TCM ACTIONS:Spreads Liver Qi; Strengthens Spleen. Nourishes Blood; Regulates Menstruation
INDICATION:Liver Qi Stagnation and More Severe Blood deficiency
INGREDIENTS:Chai Hu, Bai Shao, Fu Ling, Dang Gui, Sheng or Shu Di Huang, Gan Cao, Sheng Jiang, Bo He

Si Ni San

ENGLISH NAME:Frigid Extremities Powder
TCM ACTIONS:Vents Pathogenic influences; Releases constraint; Spreads Liver Qi; Regulates Spleen
INDICATION:1. Shao Yin disorder with Cold limbs, 2. Cold limbs due to Liver Qi stasis
INGREDIENTS:Chai Hu (Chief/6g), Zhi Shi (Deputy/6g), Bai Shao (Assistant/9g), Zhi Gan Cao (E;A/6g), add Gui Zhi for palpitations

Tong Xie Yao Fang

ENGLISH NAME:Important Formula for Painful Diarrhea
TCM ACTIONS:Smoothes Liver Qi and Tonifies the Spleen
INDICATION:Abdominal pain and diarrhea due to Disharmony between Liver and Spleen
INGREDIENTS:Bai Zhu [fried] (Chief/9g), Bai Shao [fried] (Chief/6g), Chen Pi [fried] (Deputy/4.5g), Fang Feng (Deputy/6g)

Xiao Yao San

ENGLISH NAME:Rambling Powder (Free and Easy Wanderer)
TCM ACTIONS:Harmonize Liver and Spleen; Nourish Blood; Strengthen Spleen Qi
INDICATION:Disharmony between Liver and Spleen (Liver Blood and Spleen Qi deficiency)
INGREDIENTS:Chai Hu (Chief/9g), Dang Gui (Deputy/ 9g), Bai Shao Yao (Deputy/9g), Bai Zhu (Assistant/9g), Fu Ling (Assistant/9g), Zhi Gan Cao (A;E/3g), Sheng Jiang E/3g), Bo He (Envoy/3g), Can add Wei Jiang