Cold Purgative Formulas

Liang Ge San

ENGLISH NAME:Cool the Diaphragm Powder
TCM ACTIONS:Drains Fire-Toxicity; Unblocks Bowels by clearing the Upper Jiao and draining the Middle Jiao
INDICATION:Heat-Toxicity in the Upper and Middle Jiaos; Heart-Fire blazing upward disturbing the Shen
INGREDIENTS:Lian Qiao (Chief/12.5), Huang Qin (Deputy/3g), Zhi Zi (Deputy/3g), Bo He (Assistant/3g), Dan Zhu Ye (Assistant/7pcs), Da Huang (Deputy/6g), Mang Xiao (Deputy/6g), Bai Mi (Envoy), Gan Cao (Envoy/6g)

Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang

ENGLISH NAME:Regulate the Stomach (Purgative Formula) and order the Qi Combination
TCM ACTIONS:Gentlly purges stagnation due to Heat-Dryness in the Stomach and intestines
INDICATION:1. Yang Ming Fu organ syndrome due to Heat-Dryness, 2. Heat syndromes in Yang Ming
INGREDIENTS:Da Huang (Chief/12g), Mang Xiao (Deputy/12g), Gan Cao (Assistant, Envoy/6g)

Xiao Cheng Qi Tang

ENGLISH NAME:Minor order the Qi (Purgative) Combination
TCM ACTIONS:Purges Heat stagnation; Moves stool; regulates Qi
INDICATION:Moderate Yang Ming Fu organ syndrome; Dysentery (early stage); Excess Heat in the Stomach and Intestines
INGREDIENTS:Da Huang (Chief/12g), Hou Po (Deputy/6g), Zhi Shi (Assistant/9g)

Xin Jia Huang Long Tang

ENGLISH NAME:Newly Augmented Yellow Dragon Combination
TCM ACTIONS:Enriches Yin; Augments Qi; Drains heat; Purges Fire
INDICATION:Excess Interior Heat Accumulation with underlying deficiency of Qi, Blood, and Yin
INGREDIENTS:Sheng Di Huang, Gan Cao, Ren Shen, Da Huang, Mang Xiao, Xuan Shen, Mai Meng Don, Dang Gui, Hai Shen

Yi Yi Fu Zi Bai Jiang San

ENGLISH NAME:Coicis, Prepared Aconite, and Baijiangcao Powder
TCM ACTIONS:Warms Yang; Dispels Cold-Damp and promote discharge of pus
INDICATION:Chang Yong due to Cold-Damp-Blood stagnation
INGREDIENTS:Yi Yi Ren (Chief/30g), Bai Jiang Cao (Deputy/15g), Fu Zi (Assistant/6g)

Zeng Ye Cheng Qi Tang

ENGLISH NAME:Increase the Fluids and Order the Qi Combination
TCM ACTIONS:Moisten Interior; Generates Fluids; Move Bowels; Moistens Yin; Clears Heat; Quickens Blood
INDICATION:Yang Ming Fu organ syndrome with Yin deficiency with severe constipation (Heat stagnation with fluid deficiency)
INGREDIENTS:Xuan Shen, Sheng Di Huang, Mai Men Dong, Mang Xiao, Da Huang