Anxiety/ Cardiac Reflex Zone

RELATED REFLEX: CV 15, KD 24-L, KD 25-L, KD 26-L, PC 1-L, ST 18-L, SI 11-L, UB 43-L, UB 44-L, left T4, left T5, left T6
VERIFICATION: Check pulse first to verify if it is regular, irregular, rapid or slow, or weak or strong: 1) regular pulse use both/either CV 4 and/or UB 27, 2) irregular pulse use GB 5 + GB 39, 3) slow pulse use UB 27, 4) rapid pulse use CV 4, CV 6 or point under 2nd toe on the left foot, 5) weak pulse use SP 3 or SP 6 + SP 9 + Pericardium points (ie PC 8, PC 3, PC 5, PC 6, PC 4), 6) strong pulse use SP 4; If there is concurrent edema, you must address it first using SP 3, SP 7 before regulating pulse; With tight pulse use point under the 3rd toe; Clear neck lymph using Immune point + TB 8 (or GB 20 + TB 16), then SP 3 + Pericardium points (ie PC 8, PC 3, PC 5, PC 6, PC 4).

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