TRANSLATION: | Great Hill; Big Mound |
TYPE: | Jing-well, Wood, Horary |
LOCATION: | On the dorsal aspect of the big toe, at the junction of lines drawn along the lateral border of the nail and the base of the nail, approximately .1 cun from the corner of the nail |
NEEDLE INSERTION: | 90° or 45° proximal insertion |
NEEDLE DEPTH: | 0.1-0.2 cun or prick to bleed |
Liver Meridian 肝经
TRANSLATION: | Walk Between; Move Between |
TYPE: | Ying-spring, Fire, Sedation |
LOCATION: | On the dorsum of the foot, between the 1st and 2nd toe, 0.5 proximal to the margin of the web |
NEEDLE INSERTION: | a) 45° towards heel, b) 90° insertion |
NEEDLE DEPTH: | a) 0.5-1.0 cun, b) 0.5-0.8 cun |
TRANSLATION: | Great Rushing |
TYPE: | Shu-stream, Earth, Yuan-source, Heavenly Star |
LOCATION: | On the dorsum of foot, in depression distal to junction of 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones |
NEEDLE DEPTH: | 0.5-1.5 cun |
TRANSLATION: | Middle Seal |
TYPE: | Jing-river, Metal |
LOCATION: | Approximately 1 cun anterior to the prominence of the medial malleolus, in the depression medial to the tendon of tibialis anterior when the ankle is extended (dorsiflexed), midway between SP 5 and ST 41 |
NEEDLE INSERTION: | a) 90° insertion, b) 45° insertion towards SP 5 or ST 41 |
NEEDLE DEPTH: | 0.3-0.5 cun |
TRANSLATION: | Woodworm Canal |
TYPE: | Luo-connecting |
LOCATION: | 5 cun above the prominence of the medial malleolus, immediately posterior to the medial crest of the tibia, in the depression between the medial crest of the tibia and the gastrocnemius muscle |
NEEDLE INSERTION: | a) 90° insertion, b) 45° proximal towards abdomen |
NEEDLE DEPTH: | a) 0.5-1.0 cun, b) 1.0-2.0 cun |
TRANSLATION: | Middle Metropolis |
TYPE: | Xi-cleft |
LOCATION: | 7 cun above the prominence of the medial malleolus, immediately posterior to the medial crest of the tibia, in the depression between the medial crest of the tibia and the gastrocnemius muscle |
NEEDLE INSERTION: | a) 90° insertion, b) 45° proximal towards abdomen |
NEEDLE DEPTH: | a) 0.5-1.0 cun, b) 1.0-2.0 cun |
TRANSLATION: | Knee Gate |
TYPE: | |
LOCATION: | Posterior and inferior to the medial condyle of the tibia, in upper portion of medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle, 1 cun posterior to SP 9 |
NEEDLE INSERTION: | 90° insertion |
NEEDLE DEPTH: | 1.0-2.0 cun |
TRANSLATION: | Spring at the Crook |
TYPE: | He-sea, Water, Tonification |
LOCATION: | Just superior to the medial end of the popliteal crease, in the depression posterior to the medial epicondyle of the femur when the knee is flexed, anterior to the tendons semitendinosus and semimembranosus, about 1 cun anterior to KD 10 |
NEEDLE INSERTION: | 90° or sl. Posterior insertion |
NEEDLE DEPTH: | 1.0-1.5 cun |
TRANSLATION: | Yin Wrapping |
TYPE: | |
LOCATION: | 4 cun above the medial epicondyle of femur and LV 8, in the depression between vastus medialis and sartorius muscles |
NEEDLE INSERTION: | 90° or 45° insertion |
NEEDLE DEPTH: | 1.0-2.0 cun |
TRANSLATION: | Foot Five Measures; Leg Five Miles |
TYPE: | |
LOCATION: | 3 cun directly below ST 30 on lateral border of abductor longus muscle |
NEEDLE INSERTION: | 90° or 45° insertion |
NEEDLE DEPTH: | 0.5-1.5 cun |
TRANSLATION: | Yin's Modesty; Yin Corner |
TYPE: | |
LOCATION: | 2 cun directly below ST 30 on lateral border of abductor longus muscle |
NEEDLE INSERTION: | 90° or 45° insertion |
NEEDLE DEPTH: | 0.5-1.5 cun |
TRANSLATION: | Urgent Pulse |
TYPE: | |
LOCATION: | 1 cun inferior and 2.5 cun lateral to CV 2, in the crease of the groin, medial to the femoral vein |
NEEDLE INSERTION: | 60° medial insertion |
NEEDLE DEPTH: | 0.5-0.8 cun |
TRANSLATION: | System's Gate; Completion Gate |
TYPE: | Front-Mu of the Spleen, Hui-Meeting point of the Zang (Yin) organs, Meeting point of the Liver meridians with the Gall Bladder meridian and Dai vessel |
LOCATION: | On lateral side of abdomen, directly anterior and inferior to the free end of 11th rib |
NEEDLE INSERTION: | 5° or 20° medially or laterally along rib line |
NEEDLE DEPTH: | 0.5-1.0 cun |
TRANSLATION: | Cyclic Gate |
TYPE: | Front-Mu point of Liver |
LOCATION: | On the mamillary line, approximately 4 cun lateral to the midline below the nipple, in the 6th intercostal space |
NEEDLE INSERTION: | 45° medial or lateral insertion |
NEEDLE DEPTH: | 0.5-1.0 cun |