Shi Pi Yin

ENGLISH NAME:Bolster the Spleen Combination
TCM ACTIONS:Warms and Tonifies SpleenYang; Moves Qi and Promotes Urination
INDICATION:Yin-type Edema due to Spleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency
INGREDIENTS:(Pao) Fu Zi (Chief/6g), Gan Jiang (Chief/6g), Fu Ling (Deputy/6g), Bai Zhu (Deputy/6g), Mu Gua (Assistant/6g), Hou Po (Assistant/6g), Mu Xiang (Assistant/6g), Da Fu Pi (Assistant/6g), Cao Guo (Assistant/6g), Zhi Gan Cao (Envoy/3g), Sheng Jiang (Envoy/5pcs), Da Zao (Envoy/1pc)

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