Long Dan Xie Gan Tang

ENGLISH NAME:Dragon Gallbladder Combination to Drain the Liver
TCM ACTIONS:Drains excess Fire from the Liver and GB and clears and drains DampHeat from the Lower Jiao; clears San Jiao Damp-Heat
INDICATION:1. Excessive Liver and Gall Bladder Fire blazing upwards, 2. Liver and Gall Bladder Damp-Heat pouring downwards
INGREDIENTS:Long Dan Cao (Chief/6g), Huang Qin (Deputy/9g), Zhi Zi (Deputy/9g), Ze Xie (Assistant/12g), Mu Tong (Assistant/9g), Che Qian Zi (Assistant/9g), Sheng Di Huang (Assistant/9g), Dang Gui (Assistant/3g), Chai Hu (Assistant/6g), Gan Cao (Envoy/6g)

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