Conception Vessel 任脈

Yin Jiao 陰交 (CV 7)

TYPE: Meeting point of the Conception Vessel, Penetrating Vessel, and Kidney channels
LOCATION: On midline of abdomen, 1 cun below umbilicus
NEEDLE INSERTION: 90° insertion
NEEDLE DEPTH: 0.8-1.5 cun

Shen Que 神闕 (CV 8)

TRANSLATION: Spirit's Gateway
LOCATION: In the center of the umbilicus
NEEDLE INSERTION: N/A (see Cautions & Contraindications)
NEEDLE DEPTH: N/A (see Cautions & Contraindications)

Shui Fen 水分 (CV 9)

TRANSLATION: Water Separation
LOCATION: On the midline of abdomen, 1 cun above umbilicus
NEEDLE INSERTION: 90° insertion
NEEDLE DEPTH: 0.8-1.5 cun

Xia Wan 下脘 (CV 10)

TYPE: Meeting point of the Conception Vessel and Spleen channels
LOCATION: On the midline of abdomen, 2 cun above umbilicus
NEEDLE INSERTION: 90° insertion
NEEDLE DEPTH: 0.8-1.5 cun

Jian Li 建里 (CV 11)

TRANSLATION: Interior Strengthening
LOCATION: On midline of abdomen, 3 cun above umbilicus
NEEDLE INSERTION: 90° insertion
NEEDLE DEPTH: 0.8-1.5 cun

Zhong Wan 中脘 (CV 12)

TRANSLATION: Middle Cavity
TYPE: Meeting point of the Conception Vessel, Small Intestine, Triple Burner, and Stomach channels; Mu point of the Stomach; Hui-Meeting point of the Fu organs
LOCATION: On midline of abdomen, 4 cun above umbilicus
NEEDLE INSERTION: 90° insertion
NEEDLE DEPTH: 0.8-1.5 cun